Etched Press


Etched Press is a micro press currently based in San Francisco, California. After a brief hiatus of publishing, we're back with a simplified look and approach. We simply want to champion wonderful writers. Etched Press was founded in 2008 in Wilmington, North Carolina as the Etched Press Poetry Series as a way to publish chapbooks that fit the maxim "writing that remains." We seek to publish chabooks by emerging writers that bridge gaps between schools of poetry. We want work that reads fresh and exciting because of its use of multiple forms. We're also fans of prose poetry. Our books are available on our website, on Amazon Kindle, and at author readings. Etched Press is also now interested in publishing solicited anthologies and solicited full-length manuscripts, particularly of poets with a Bay Area connection. Our full-length titles can also be ordered at any local bookstore.

Beginning in 2024, through a partnership with The Living Room SF, Etched Press will publish three to five titles annually, beginning with not my daughter by Jessie Scrimager Galloway.

Etched Press Society, the community outreach branch of Etched Press will also partner and be absorbed by The Living Room SF. We send members into local schools and community spaces to promote the creation and maintenance of creative writing and performance curriculum as a part of English and Language Arts classrooms, especially during National Poetry Month (April).

Learn about The Living Room SF